

Notre Dame vs. Stanford…

I’ve been sick with a sinus infection the past few days but wanted to get caught up on my blogging…LOL…last Saturday, we went to the Notre Dame vs. Stanford game in South Bend and had a blast! ND won and I caught a great shot of the last touch down of the game. On our way up to South Bend, we stopped at McClure’s Apple Orchard. They have the cutest kitties available for adoption and an awesome Christmas boutique upstairs in their gift shop that is definitely worth the drive!

By the way, there are still some openings available for next year’s Fantasy Football Camp at Notre Dame. I know a few of my ’06 & ’07 grooms-to-be expressed an interest in the camp and originally, we thought it was sold out. They split the camp into two groups for next year and there are still a few spots available for one of them. Check it out!!



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