

Shooting with the album in mind…

Whenever I'm shooting a wedding, I'm always shooting with the final album design in mind. For example, take a look at this shot, straight out of the camera (D300, 50 mm lens) from this past weekend's wedding:album1.jpg

While this is a great shot on its own, I loved how the window light was pouring in and how the fabric from the dress and the background of the curtain flowed so well together so this is how I was envisioning it looking in an album spread:album2.jpg

I've trained my brain to think and see like that whenever an opportunity presents itself but it's always hard to describe to other people so I figured I would do a post about that today. 😉 I always wonder if people think "I wonder why she shot that so off center?" when they see shots like that and now you know why. LOL Sometimes I'll do that with detail shots, cake shots, dancing shots, etc. just to vary up the perspective a bit. I remember when I was at Gary Fong's Digital Intensive Training in Dallas a few years ago, he talked about this topic a lot. He was saying how he would shoot the toasts so that there was a shot of the best man looking at the couple and then a shot of the couple looking at him and he would try to put them side-by-side in the final album so that it appeared exactly the way it did while he was shooting. I loved that idea, although not all of our couples choose shots for their albums that work well side by side like that unfortunately….maybe they will now that I'm posting about this though? 🙂




  • Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    Mother of the Bride

    Wow, Erin! This is gorgeous. Can’t wait to see more!

  • Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    The photos in front of the window really look elegant. The blown out light in the window really flowed with the dress. Good eye.


  • Thursday, January 17, 2008

    Sister of the Bride

    This is lovely – She was such a picture-perfect bride that day!! We can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures!