

Birthdays Galore!!

We have a TON of birthdays in my family in August & September! Since my aunt and my grandpa and I are all a day apart from one another, we usually do joint b-day celebrations and they’re so much fun!! Classic Cakes made an amazing cake for the big b-day bash at my dad’s house for me & my aunt last week…

Here’s my dad taking a picture of me taking a picture of him…lol…and my goofy husband giving him bunny ears in the background! LOL

Cool details of the cake….

Dad took this one of me & John together, nice shot dad! 🙂

Aunt Mary & I with our massive cake…happy b-day Aunt Mary!!!

I seriously thought it was going to catch fire, there were so many candles on it! LOL

We started opening gifts and my dad & step-mom surprised me with a new 24mm lense which I LOVE!! So I had to try it out….(and it came in handy at Amy’s wedding the next day!!!) Thanks guys!! 🙂

My uncle Tom and cousin Anna…so cute!!

I thought I’d lump all of these pics into one big b-day post…these next shots are from my joint b-day party with my Grandpa that we had last weekend! We went to the Cheesecake Factory and ran into Susan, one of my beautiful brides for this coming weekend! (Hi Susan!!!) 🙂

Oh, and my mom’s dog, Mandy is close to having a b-day too (end of the month) so we went ahead and celebrated hers early! It was a triple party!!

I had Karen at Holy Cow, Cupcakes make grandpa some cupcakes since he LOVES butterscotch! They were AMAZING! She even named them after him, isn’t that awesome!?

And Mandy got a cake of her own too! 🙂

Grandma & Grandpa bought her this toy that has become a new favorite!

And John & I found a cute new shirt for her to wear (“Zee French make no faux paws”) LOL

Yes, she was so excited to get to her b-day cake and toys that she was leaping off the ground! (Gary, doesn’t this remind you of that shot of Brandi dancing around that you took on our wedding day!? LOL!)

“Oh boy, which toy do I play with first?!?!”

Then it was Grandpa’s turn to open gifts!

I think we surprised him! LOL He needed a nice, new shredder for home…this one should work like a charm!

Then it was my turn…check out all of the pink & green!! LOVED it!! I also have a new air purifier coming soon and got lots of money to put toward a new camera that I just bought last week – new pics of THAT coming soon!!! 🙂

Thanks everyone for an awesome birthday!!

On Tuesday (my actual b-day), John surprised me and took the day off work to hang out with me!! Isn’t that sweet? He is just the best husband ever!!! He surprised me with these gorgeous flowers & some of my favorite candy, and then we hung out together all day and went shopping at Clay Terrace. It was so much fun! I didn’t shoot much that day since I wanted a real “day off” but it was an awesome day that I’ll never forget. He even took me to Kincaid’s that night for dinner and then surprised me yet again with a much needed 1 tarabyte hard drive!!! YAY!!! (How many other women would get excited over that?! LOL!!) The HD is soooo fast and I’ve been hooking it up to our 2nd laptop this week to batch process while I work on the main laptop. I highly recommend that system to other photographers, I think it’s going to help us get caught up with editing a little quicker this Fall. 🙂



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