

What an amazing day!!!

Last Wednesday, our offer on a home was accepted and we closed this morning!! I can’t believe it. What a whirl wind of a month! 🙂 We’ve been looking at homes for a long time, seriously, this day was about 4 YEARS in the making…I am not kidding. We had a really bad experience a few years ago with the whole home buying process & nearly gave up. We knew that when we were serious about purchasing, we were going to be extremely picky and ask a lot of questions this time around…I kind of feel sorry for the people we hired because today went incredibly smooth and we closed SO QUICK that neither of us could believe it! LOL

Needless to say, John & I are SO happy right now. The movers come tomorrow morning and if all goes well, our internet should be switched over tomorrow evening. I don’t know if we’ll be fully “up and running” again but if so, I’ll post some more pics I took today before we started moving boxes in. Oh and a funny side note – I already know our next door neighbors!! How funny is that?! Our paths crossed about 10 years ago and now we’re neighbors…like I always say, “everything happens for a reason!” 🙂

I’d like to thank my clients for all being so patient during this process…I know we have a LOT of orders still to get finished up before Christmas and trust me, we’ll be shipping out as MUCH as we possibly can before then! My awesome team is working diligently to complete albums and reprint orders ASAP!! 🙂




  • Saturday, December 13, 2008

    Mary Dunlap

    Congratulations on the house! I love the picture. Are you going to make a lot of changes to the house or is it good to go?

  • Monday, December 22, 2008

    LOVE the green in the kitchen and the screened in porch…great house!