

June 7th Portrait Marathon Day!!

If you’ve ever wanted to be photographed by us but thought “Oh I don’t need a long photo shoot with tons of images, I just need a few really great shots!” then you’re in luck! We’ve decided to try something brand new, called a “Portrait Marathon Day” which will be a fun day filled with LOTS of shooting for clients who want some fun new images that are very quick and painless! 😉

We will be hosting our first Portrait Marathon Day on Sunday, June 7th at Holcomb Gardens at the Butler University campus! We will be photographing 21 people/families between 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. that day. This is the perfect opportunity to update your head shots, get a few new family photos, maybe get a couple of photos with your significant other, babies, kids, pets, etc. All photo sessions will be “mini” photo shoots though, meaning that each person or family will have a 15 minute time slot with us. (No outfit changes will be allowed due to the nature of the event and if you have more than 4 people coming with you, we ask that you reserve two back to back sessions) 😉

Your portrait marathon package includes: the 15 minute mini photo shoot, all images posted online and a high resolution image CD (with copyright) for only $150 per time slot! If you are interested in booking a mini shoot with us, just email me at [email protected] with your name, desired time slot, email address, mailing address and phone number where we may reach you the day of the photo shoot. We will email you an invoice for your session (so you can pay online) and we’ll hold your time slot for 24 hours. (After 24 hours we will have to open your time slot up to other clients if your invoice is unpaid) We’re expecting a lot of interest in this event so please don’t delay!!

Here are your session time options: (Limit 2 time slots per person or family please!)

10:00-10:15 Reserved
10:20-10:35 Reserved
10:40-10:55 Open
11:00-11:15 Reserved
11:20-11:35 Open
11:40-11:55 Open
12:00-12:15 Open
12:20-12:35 Reserved
12:40-12:55 Open
1:00-2:00 Break (Lunch)
2:00-2:15 Pending
2:20-2:35 Pending
2:40-2:55 Pending
3:00-3:15 Pending
3:20-3:35 Reserved
3:40-3:55 Reserved
4:00-4:15 Reserved
4:20-4:35 Reserved
4:40-4:55 Reserved
5:00-5:15 Reserved
5:20-5:35 Reserved
5:40-5:55 Reserved

Please arrive early & ready to go…hair & make-up needs to be done in advance. 😉 We’ll be focusing on nature-oriented backgrounds during each shoot. There’s a lot of greenery, trees, flowers, a gazebo, benches & a bridge on site at Holcomb. Our rain back-up date is Saturday 6/27 so if we should run into inclement weather on 6/7, all shoots will be moved to 6/27 at the same time slot you have booked with us, so please make sure you’re open for both dates and times before booking a specific session time. There are no refunds or rescheduling sessions if you decide to cancel, no show, etc. Hope to see you all soon!!! 🙂



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