

A few vacation pics!

I’m blogging a little out of order here but I wanted to post a few personal pics from our family vacation a few weeks ago. 🙂 Dad rented a beach house up in Michigan, right across from Chicago, and we all went up there for a few days and had fun hanging out together. He’s looking quite relaxed in this photo (above), don’t you think!? 🙂 Leah & John were comparing photos/videos while I took sunset pics on the back deck…

The sunsets were amazing! It seemed like they looked a little different every night…

The reflection on the water…so peaceful…

My sister Mary, just chillin’ with a good book 🙂

We had lots of fun family dinners together 🙂

Yum! I love shooting food that is *almost* too pretty to eat! LOL

My sister Leah is into horses so this seemed appropriate! 🙂

Thanks for a fun trip you guys, we love you!!



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