

Some recent birthday pics!

I know I don’t post as many personal pics on here as I used to since most of you see them all on facebook but I thought I’d post a few faves from my kitty’s b-day and my hubby’s b-day for those of you who may not have already seen these. (And if you haven’t seen these, go friend us on facebook!) 😉 Anyway, this month, my kitty Ben turned 10!! He’s so precious…he got a brand new toy with catnip included and a new brush that he loves! Is this not the cutest face?! 🙂

Happy cat!!!

His brother, Mr. Wiggles, had his eye on the new toy! LOL

Then a few days later, my family came over to celebrate John’s b-day! We went out for lunch and then out for ice cream…

When we got back home, Buddy got to enjoy some Frosty Paws ice cream as part of the celebration! 🙂

And mom brought over her dog Mandy…she & Buddy met for the first time! It was soooo cute!

“Hide me!”

“Mom, did you see the size of that dog!? OMG!” LOL 🙂

We love our furbabies, that’s for sure!!!! Their expressions say so much in photos, love it! 🙂



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