

My 30th Birthday (the rest of the story)

My birthday was SO AWESOME!! I’m sure by now most of you have already read the 30 Random Acts of Kindness blog post but I also wanted to post some pics from the parties that we had with my friends and family…we started my birthday morning by having breakfast with my mom…she surprised me with flowers and my favorite, Tiffany perfume!!

Then John surprised me with a sweet card and gifts…

Buddy even got me a card! 🙂

Then after doing the first 15 things on my Random Acts of Kindness list, I met up with my dad for a fun daddy/daughter lunch at the Cheesecake Factory! Yum!

Had to post this…it’s become a running joke in our family…we love good food and we love to take photos so we end up taking beautiful photos of our food! LOL!!

Later that evening, we headed over to dad’s house for a pizza party with the family! Fun, family, gifts & yummy cake = great party!!

Yep, Classic Cakes made an awesome pink & green cake for the party!

John surprised me by driving all of the way to & from South Bend to pick up my sister from Notre Dame that afternoon…I loved it!!!

Love this one! 🙂

The next day, we met up with mom & grandpa at Bella Vita’s for lunch on the water, it was awesome! Mom doesn’t like it when I post her pic so I’ll post the one that she took of us!! (LOVE it!) 🙂

After lunch we headed back to our house for cupcakes and presents! Holy Cow Cupcakes did an amazing job on our yummy cupcakes…the chocolate & orange ones were my favorite I think! 🙂


The next day, John & I took the day off to celebrate my birthday together (“date day”) and we had a blast! He even surprised me with yet ANOTHER cake from Classic Cakes! Isn’t this adorable?!

Then he surprised me once again the following week…La Piedad’s is our absolute FAVORITE little Mexican restaurant in Broadripple. I had a day full of appointments and errands so I didn’t think anything of it when he said “hey, meet me at La Piedad’s for dinner tonight”…well, I walked in and about 20 of our friends were all sitting at the table and yelled “SURPRISE!!” I was soooo confused! LOL He waited until a week AFTER my birthday to throw me a surprise party so that he’d really get me. (It worked!) 🙂 I had so much fun that night!!

Thank you to EVERYONE who made my 30th birthday the BEST birthday EVER!!! 🙂



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