

John’s Birthday Trip to Sanibel!

A few months ago, I surprised my hubby with a trip to our favorite vacation destination, Sanibel Island, for his birthday!! 🙂 We’ve been so incredibly busy shooting lately that we must have really looked like we needed a break because everywhere we went, we were upgraded! LOL! From the flight, to the rental car to the top floor hotel suite, it was an AWESOME trip and I wish we could have stayed longer! 🙂

This poor bird needs a real bird bath in his cage! LOL


The sunsets were amazing!

Our view at night from the top floor…

Dad & Aunt Mary ended up meeting up with us while we were down there! Her best friend’s 50th birthday was that weekend too! 🙂

Happy Birthday Kristie!!

We had a double birthday celebration at the Green Flash one night!

The last night we were there, Kristie made us a fabulous dinner and we hung out at her place. She was pet sitting for a friend of hers so Gershwin got his own little photo shoot that night. He was adorable!!! 🙂

John, I hope you had an awesome birthday trip!! Love you!!



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