

For all of you animal lovers out there…

I think a lot of people don't think to do portrait sessions with their pets until after the pet is gone which is so sad. 🙁 Yet for a lot of people, pets are their children so why not get some awesome, adorable pictures of them? As some of you saw last week, my aunt lost one of her dogs unexpectedly to Hemangiosarcoma (a rare form of cancer). Luckily, my aunt is a "picture fanatic" like me and loves to take photos of her furbabies though. 🙂 We had scheduled 2 different photo sessions (one specifically for the dogs and one for her new head shots – but of course, the dogs got their head shots taken too! LOL) as well as a family get together where I brought my camera…and I was so glad I did. Minnie only lived with her for a few short months but by looking at the keepsake album that we put together for her this week, you'd never know it. CLICK HERE to view her awesome album! And if any of you would like to do something similar, email me…you all know how much I LOVE animals and I would love to photograph your pets too. 🙂
(Click here for samples)




  • Friday, June 15, 2007


    Hey Erin!
    I looked this up after our shoot the other day. The pictures are precious, and reading your post about it reaffirmed my happiness about having you take pictures of our babies.

  • Friday, June 15, 2007


    Awww, thanks…we have some AWESOME pics of your furbabies too!! I’ll probably have them posted on here around the beginning of next week. 🙂