

I think a lot of people don't think to do portrait sessions with their pets until after the pet is gone which is so sad. 🙁 Yet for a lot of people, pets are their children so why not get some awesome, adorable pictures of them? As some of you saw last week, my aunt lost one of her dogs unexpectedly to Hemangiosarcoma (a rare form of cancer). Luckily, my aunt is a "picture fanatic" like me and loves to take photos of her furbabies though. 🙂 We had scheduled 2 different photo sessions (one specifically for the dogs and one for her new head shots – but of course, the dogs got their head shots taken too! LOL) as well as a family get together where I brought my camera…and I was so glad I did. Minnie only lived with her for a few short months but by looking at the keepsake album that we put together for her this week, you'd never know it. CLICK HERE to view her awesome album! And if any of you would like to do something similar, email me…you all know how much I LOVE animals and I would love to photograph your pets too. 🙂
(Click here for samples)

Most of you probably remember my previous recent posts about my aunt’s new addition to her family, Minnie. She fell ill this weekend very rapidly and they found out that she has a deadly form of cancer that has already spread to multiple organs. I feel so bad for my aunt Mary….her dogs are her children and she loves them all so much, just like we love our kitties. This afternoon, she had to make the hardest decision ever and Minnie will no longer live in her home but in her heart. She always says how much her furbabies love to be featured on my blog so today’s post is dedicated to Minnie. We love you Minnie!! Thank you for making our family so happy…

Karen Hall & I spent the afternoon at my aunt’s house last Friday for her professional photo shoot. She needed new headshots for her business cards (she’s a Realtor for Century 21, check out the Hendrick’s Team’s website by clicking HERE!) and she also wanted some pictures of her with all 3 of her furbabies together. Karen did an amazing job with her hair & make-up and the dogs were very cooperative, but exhausted after their photo shoot. 🙂
If you or anyone you know is looking to buy or sell a home, give Mary a call! 317.750.2600
Here she is with all 3 of her furbabies. 🙂 I was able to get them to all look my way and perk their ears by simply meow-ing like a cat! LOL I guess it sounded a little too real but it worked.

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend, I know we did! We had the weekend off (I’m assuming not many brides decided to get married over the holiday?) so we picked up my younger sisters on Friday and had a girls sleepover Friday night. We went shopping first and then met John for dinner after he got off work, then went to see the movie “Are We Done Yet?” which was pretty funny. The girls came back and spent the night at our place and stayed up watching movies and making brownies for Sunday’s family gathering. On Sunday, we went to my mom’s house to visit with her and my grandparents and then we stopped by my aunt’s house in the evening to see my dad’s side of the family. Here’s a cute shot of my youngest cousin, Anna…she’s so adorable!
And here’s a shot of my aunt’s newest family member, Minnie, eyeing the ham. 🙂 She apparently helped herself at the dinner table before we got there! LOL She took my uncle’s ham off of his plate when he wasn’t looking.
“Please someone drop another bite!”
Here she is getting kisses from Mickey…they were instant friends when they first met each other.
And here’s all 3 of my aunt’s furbabies…Minnie, Ollie & Country. They are all rescued greyhounds and they are so sweet and spoiled! 🙂 They have their own sunroom and toddler beds with their own toys. Life doesn’t get much better for retired racing dogs!

I ran out of time to post these pics before I left for WPPI so I wanted to catch up on that a little bit this evening…we did a photo shoot for AdriAnne & Larry of their newest family addition, Galen, their new ADORABLE golden retriever pup. He was so CUTE!!! AdriAnne is a photo buff too and she brought her Nikon to take some random candids of me shooting during their photo shoot, it was pretty funny!
I love cute dog noses!