

Back from Vegas!

We just got back from Vegas last night, fabulous pictures coming soon!!! 🙂 We had the best time ever…I learned so many cool camera/lighting tricks and heard some of the most incredible, influential photographers from around the world speak on topics like marketing, destination/luxury weddings, fashion photo shoots, workflow, etc. One of the best parts was being able to go through the most unbelievable tradeshow EVER. It took me 6 hours to walk the whole trade show floor and I bought so many cool things and got information on new product lines we'll start carrying in 2007 & 2008. I can't wait!!

I came home to hundreds of e-mails though so I will start responding soon (still unpacking here) since every time I tried to use the business center at the hotel, the line was out the door. :O I got in there one day just to delete the junk mail and that was about it. So I promise I'll respond to everyone this weekend. 😀



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