
May 2007

Last Saturday we photographed an amazing wedding at Roberts Park United Methodist in downtown Indy and reception at the Rathskeller. Lori & Kyle were adorable together, they were childhood sweethearts and their families truly adored one another. After their moms walked down the aisle to light the taper candles, they hugged and the crowd applauded, in the past 13 years that I’ve been shooting weddings, I had never seen that kind of reaction. 😉 It was a perfect day from start to finish…the weather was perfect…everyone looked beautiful and everyone had a great time! They even dipped & kissed at the end of their first dance…we LOVE it when our couples do that, it always makes for a great shot – especially when we’re able to time it so that we’re directly in front of them when they do it, just like Lori & Kyle did. Congrats you guys, hope you’re enjoying Paris this week!! 🙂

Thank you to everyone who e-mailed with “Happy Anniversary” wishes! We had an awesome 4th anniversary yesterday. 🙂 I was going to post about my anniversary gift to him on here today but then realized my sisters read my blog too! Geez…LOL My dad is trying to keep our family vacation destination a secret until this weekend (although John & I are “in the know”) and since John’s gift had to do with the upcoming trip, I can’t post about it until my sisters find out where we’re all headed this summer…;)

Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary! I have the best husband ever…he left a love note next to my pillow before he left for work this morning and he just sent me the most beautiful bouquet of pink roses…my favorite! The funniest thing that happened today was when we both checked our e-mail this morning, we sent each other the same “happy anniversary” e-card this year without realizing it!! We’re so alike in so many ways, I couldn’t have asked for a better husband. 🙂 I bought him a cake at Classic Cakes this afternoon and we’re planning on exchanging cards over dinner tonight and then he’ll get to see the surprise anniversary gift that I have in store for him…I can’t write about it here until he opens the card though, just in case he checks the blog. LOL Happy Anniversary honey, I love you!!! XOXOXO

I feel like such a bad blogger…LOL…we had a busy weekend last weekend with a fabulous wedding on Saturday (pics coming soon!) and going out of town for Mother’s Day on Sunday. (Happy Mother’s Day mom!) Monday was filled with appointments and yesterday was another wedding…yep, a TUESDAY wedding!! 🙂 Their story and pics to come soon too…stay tuned!!

This week we photographed the Grand Opening of the Cozumel Mexican Restaurant on the east side of Indy!
Terry Rake did another fabulous job coordinating the details of the event…including these awesome light up margarita glasses!
Loved the hats…:)
The Mayor of Lawrence was present for the ribbon cutting ceremony….
Channel 8 even did a segment on the Grand Opening!
And here’s one of those cool glasses in action…