
January 2008

Ok, so I know this is a bit off topic and I haven't really posted any book reviews in the past but since many of you e-mailed saying that I should post about fun and random topics in 2008, I guess this qualifies. 🙂 I just finished reading a book that Dave Ramsey suggested reading during his Business Coach class a little while ago called "The Go-Getter" by Peter Kyne. Since it's set in the early 1900's it was a bit hard for me to get into at first but once I got into it, I ended up reading the whole thing in about one night! I've found that most entrepreneurs like myself already have that go-getter spirit and attitude but this story really helps inspire you and it shows you that working hard to fulfill your dreams is WORTH it!! I'm living proof of that! The book exemplifies the idea of "getting it done at all costs" and that persistence is the key to success. So, my question to all of you…what motivates you? How hard are you willing to work to fulfill your goals and dreams? What's your "blue vase" in life? Read the book and let me know! 😉

I'm so excited, it's been like Christmas all over again this week! Yesterday, I finally had some time to go check out the Nikon D300 (remember this post?) well, I stopped by Robert's yesterday and I fell in love with it and bought it on the spot! Even at 3200 ISO, the grain was nearly invisible…I didn't even know I was shooting at 3200 at first – holy cow!! Then I start playing around in the menu and OMG, it shoots in color, B&W, sepia and cyanotype!?! AWESOME!! The focusing on the camera is insanely accurate too. 🙂 Click here to read more about the D300!

John & I will be doing a lot of traveling for photo shoots, conventions and seminars this year so we had discussed getting an iPod touch this month so that we could still be somewhat connected to the world while away from the office…well, he went online this week and bought one at Circuit City and then came home with it and showed me what my blog looked like on the little 3.5 inch screen and I fell in love with that too! It was so cute and it will be incredibly useful when traveling so I had him go back and get me one. I just wish they made them in pink! LOL I think tonight he's going to go get me a pink cover for it and find out if they have a stylus pen for it…my nails are constantly in the way when I try to type, so yeah, that could be a problem. But I'm sure there's a way to work around that. 🙂 I love playing with new toys, I've been in "gadget heaven" this week!! 🙂