

I’ve been sick with a sinus infection the past few days but wanted to get caught up on my blogging…LOL…last Saturday, we went to the Notre Dame vs. Stanford game in South Bend and had a blast! ND won and I caught a great shot of the last touch down of the game. On our way up to South Bend, we stopped at McClure’s Apple Orchard. They have the cutest kitties available for adoption and an awesome Christmas boutique upstairs in their gift shop that is definitely worth the drive!

By the way, there are still some openings available for next year’s Fantasy Football Camp at Notre Dame. I know a few of my ’06 & ’07 grooms-to-be expressed an interest in the camp and originally, we thought it was sold out. They split the camp into two groups for next year and there are still a few spots available for one of them. Check it out!!

We just received the promo materials in the mail today for Family Life’s “Weekend to Remember” marriage retreat for this Fall. John & I went to their Spring retreat and had a FABULOUS time together…it’s a great experience for anyone who is going to be married or who is already married.

Fall retreat dates are as follows:
Fort Wayne Oct. 27-29 at the Ft. Wayne Marriott (room rate $85/night)
Evansville Nov. 3-5 at the Executive Inn Hotel & Conference Center (room rate $80/night)
In case any of our couples would like more information, here is the link to register for the retreat online: www.weekendtoremember.com ($109 per person)

Last Friday & Saturday were awesome…my birthday was on Saturday so we had a party with my dad’s side of the family on Friday and with my mom’s side on Saturday. In between the get togethers, John surprised me with my favorite flowers, pink roses!! He had them waiting for me when I came back to the office Friday afternoon. Even after losing 45 pounds since my last birthday, I still enjoy cake every now and then so on Saturday morning he surprised me with my favorite chocolate cake from Classic Cakes before we left to meet my family for lunch. He’s such a sweetie…he even took me out for a date night on Saturday night which is something you don’t get to do very often when you shoot weddings every weekend! 🙂 Thanks everyone for another great birthday!!

I’m a little behind in posting on here since we’ve been on vacation and still trying to get caught up but we had a BLAST in one of my favorite places in the whole world, Sanibel Island. For the last 3 years, we’ve gone with my family to the island, which is on the Gulf of Mexico and rented a condo on the beach. There are so many fun things you can do there, John even went parasailing this time! If you enjoy shelling, shopping, fine dining, beautiful sunsets, and beautiful scenery, you should definitely consider going there for vacation. I’ve attached some pics from our excursions…
Me & John (one of my favorites of course….) 🙂

Here’s one from the dolphin watch cruise…there were 5 or 6 of them that put on a show for us, maybe they knew they’d be famous on my website? LOL I wonder if they ever landed on each other though as they were doing flips?

Ft. Myers Beach before John went parasailing…

These guys were hilarious! We arrived a few days after the rest of the family since we had a wedding to photograph so I didn’t see everything that happened but my dad said they pulled up to the Lazy Flamingo one night (a popular restaurant on the island) and there was a raccoon that jumped on top of the dumpster and laid on his back and rubbed his belly like he was full from his “dinner”…LOL We went back a few times during the trip to watch them, there were about a dozen of them in all that would help themselves to leftovers each night. They were very tame and would walk right up to the car to see if you had brought them food. I’m sure the locals feed them!

Look for her on American Idol next season! On the plane from Ft. Myers to Atlanta, one of the passengers got up and sang for all of us. She did a fabulous job singing “Black Velvet” and if she sings that song, I’m sure they’ll send her to Hollywood. She was on her way to the auditions!