
Equipment & Gadgets

I'm so excited, it's been like Christmas all over again this week! Yesterday, I finally had some time to go check out the Nikon D300 (remember this post?) well, I stopped by Robert's yesterday and I fell in love with it and bought it on the spot! Even at 3200 ISO, the grain was nearly invisible…I didn't even know I was shooting at 3200 at first – holy cow!! Then I start playing around in the menu and OMG, it shoots in color, B&W, sepia and cyanotype!?! AWESOME!! The focusing on the camera is insanely accurate too. 🙂 Click here to read more about the D300!

John & I will be doing a lot of traveling for photo shoots, conventions and seminars this year so we had discussed getting an iPod touch this month so that we could still be somewhat connected to the world while away from the office…well, he went online this week and bought one at Circuit City and then came home with it and showed me what my blog looked like on the little 3.5 inch screen and I fell in love with that too! It was so cute and it will be incredibly useful when traveling so I had him go back and get me one. I just wish they made them in pink! LOL I think tonight he's going to go get me a pink cover for it and find out if they have a stylus pen for it…my nails are constantly in the way when I try to type, so yeah, that could be a problem. But I'm sure there's a way to work around that. 🙂 I love playing with new toys, I've been in "gadget heaven" this week!! 🙂

Thank you to all of you who helped make 2007 a fantastic year for us!! We're looking forward to working with all of our wonderful clients & friends in 2008! 🙂

WPPI just released their schedule for next March and it looks like online registration starts tomorrow, check it out by clicking HERE! Also, did you hear that Nikon just released the new D300!? 12.3 mp, 51-point auto focus and a dust reduction system…holy cow!! 😀 I may have to go see this for myself!

On another note, I just received an e-mail from Cygnus about a new tax bill that may help self-employed photogs (it's about time!! LOL) so check this out!! CLICK HERE to read the article…

First, I have to give a shout out to the girls at Hill & Usher/Hartford who were WONDERFUL and SO EASY to work with on our water logged camera claim!!! Photographers who read my blog – if you don't have insurance or you aren't happy with your current provider, I highly recommend Hartford's Photographers Insurance Package, not only does it cover all of the usual stuff, but the stretch endorsement for "business personal property off premises" covered us completely and the check to reimburse us for our new D200 came in today – only 2 weeks after submitting the claim!! I was totally impressed…especially since I had forgotten to update my equipment list (oops) and the camera that died wasn't even on it. I thought it would take a lot longer and figured that they'd make me send it to them (totally expected under the circumstance) but they didn't…they even checked out my blog to see the photos of the rained out wedding first hand and couldn't believe it! LOL Luckily in all of the years that I've been with them, that was my first claim ever (and hopefully my last) but it was nice to actually have a GOOD experience with the insurance industry that wasn't a hassle like I thought it could have been…

Anyway, back to the wedding…I remember the three of us sitting down at dinner that night, in complete shock after shooting a wedding in the pouring down rain, and I blurted out, "This wedding will be published!" John & Diana looked confused at first and then I said, "After this is all said and done, no one would believe the pictures that we have from tonight's wedding….it will be published somewhere someday, I'm sure of it." They kind of laughed and agreed…I don't know where that random thought came from in the midst of all of that, but sure enough, I received an e-mail from the bride today. A friend of hers found this site from the Farmers Almanac where they're holding a "Worst Wedding Weather" contest!!! She's submitting her story and our pics and if they win, they'll receive a 2nd honeymoon with a vow renewal on a cruise! 😀 They ssssooooo deserve to win….and I hope we get to shoot that wedding too!! LOL 😀 Good luck you guys!!!!!